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Frequently Asked Questions


On this page you will find questions that are usually asked about the program year to year.  Below you'll find answers to questions about general participation, graduation requirements, and the philosophy of why we do things the way we do.  If you do not find an answer to one of your questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the directors.


1.  Does Marching Band involve physical activity?


YES!  Marching Band is an incredibly physical activity that requires you to march through several pathways at various speeds, all while carrying and performing your instrument.  It requires physical strength, some athletic conditioning, and strong motivation.  While the emphasis is always on music, we do occasionally spend time completing physical training.


2.  What is the rehearsal schedule like?


Generally, the Advanced Band and Colorguard practice every Wednesday-Thursday afterschool from 3:30pm-6:00pm.  Rehearsals are mandatory and essential for our success as a group.


We also occasionally rehearse on Saturdays.  Those are always TBD


3. What type of music does the Band play?


It depends on the ensemble.  There is an emphasis on instrument fundamentals, technique, scales, rudiments and chorales as these are the necessary tools to promote excellent musicianship within the ensemble.  However, we also play music from popular culture, including Top 40, Hip Hop, Rock and Roll, and even movies.  This music is fun to play, recognizable, and always energizing for the crowd during sports and pep rallies.


Every fall the Marching Band and Colorguard also prepare a Field Show.  The theme to this show is taken from Pop Culture, Movies and Television, Broadway, and Original Music.  


4.  Is the Band a large time commitment?


In short, yes.  Participating in the SanteeBand and Colorguard requires staying after school for rehearsals, attending school parades and pep rallies, Friday night football games, and Field Show competition throughout Southern California.  It involves hard work, dedication, and motivation to do well in and out of the classroom.


However, despite longer school hours, participating in Band is a rewarding experience where you will learn how to be a successful musician and person.  You also meet a lot of students and earn friendships that can last a lifetime.  By participating in the Band and Colorguard program you immediately belong to one of the largest student groups on campus and represent a high standard of excellence.



5. What is Band Camp?


Band Camp is a week long rehearsal schedule that occurs the last week of summer, right before the school year starts.  Rehearsals start in the morning at 9am and finish at 6pm, with a lunch and dinner break in between.


During Band Camp students learn how to play the show music and to march.  Although Band Camp can be tiring and long, it is a worthwhile experience where students forge powerful bonds with their band mates as they learn to work together, complete tasks, and persevere through challenges.


6.  What does the Marching Band do after the fall season?


After the Fall Marching Band season, the Santee Band transitions to a traditional concert band, Jazz Ensemble, and Pecussion Ensemble.  The Colorguard performs on their own in WInterguard Compeitions.


7. Is there a GPA requirement to participate in the music and colorguard programs?


Yes, you must have a minimum 2.0 GPA without any D's or F's in any classess.  Also, you must be on track to graduate and in the appropriate academic standing.




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